The Garage is a beautifully designed with a panel garage door, a 36" 6-panel fiberglass door with locking doorknob/keys and one 2x3' window. The floor is structured on a notched treated 4x6 skid runners to better stabilize and support the 12" on center treated 2x6 floor joist, topped with 3/4" flooring. The tall 7'9" walls are studded 16" on center. The exterior walls can be covered with LP Smart Siding (paint or 10-year "No Fade" urethane finish), metal, or vinyl in a selection of colors. Two air vents are installed for circulation and temperature control. The Trusses are joined with metal truss plates and topped with 7/16″ OSB Sheathing to insure a more stable roof. The roof is covered in your choice of shingles or 40 year metal in a variety of colors.
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Vinyl (Only)
Sold But Can Build Another
Garage 12x28
Roof - 40-Year Metal - Black
50-year LP Siding - Painted - Old Clay
Trim - Painted - White #2
1- Panel Garage Door
1- 2'x3' Window
1- 6-Panel Door
12" On Center Floor Joists
4x6" Treated & Notched Skid Runners
2x6" Treated Floor Joists
3/4" Tongue & Groove 50-Year Advantech Flooring
Diamond Plate Kick Panel
16" On Center Studs
2 - Metal Vents
Garage 12x28
Roof - 40-Year Metal - Charcoal
50-year LP Siding - Urethane - Driftwood
Trim - Painted - White #2
1- Panel Garage Door
1- 2'x3' Window
1- 6-Panel Door
12" On Center Floor Joists
4x6" Treated & Notched Skid Runners
2x6" Treated Floor Joists
3/4" Tongue & Groove 50-Year Advantech Flooring
Diamond Plate Kick Panel
16" On Center Studs
2 - Metal Vents
Price Sold
Sold But Can Build Another
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